Program Tuition

Tuition is $51,688 for the 9-month program.

Figures for tuition and fees represent currently proposed amounts and may not be final. Actual tuition and fees are subject to change by the University of California as determined to be necessary or appropriate. Final approved tuition and fee levels may differ from the amounts presented. 

Financial Aid

All applicants will be automatically considered for merit-based awards based on their admissions application and awards will be made at any point during the admissions cycle.

Students enrolled in at least five units per quarter may be eligible for federal financial aid and/or educational loans. Each category has different requirements and restrictions. For details on how to apply, please visit the UC Davis Financial Aid and Scholarships website.

Self-Supporting Degree Programs

The Medical Device Development program is a self-supporting degree program. Self-supporting programs and students are not eligible to receive financial support from state funding sources. You are eligible to apply for and accept any campus position that is open to the public, including permanent/long-term staff positions advertised by UC Davis Human Resources.