New Student Checklist

Person loads 3D printers in the TEAM Lab
Medical Device Development

Graduate Program

Welcome to the Medical Device Development Program!

Congratulations on being admitted to the Medical Device Development program! Please read the information and complete the action items new students must complete to prepare for starting the program. If you have additional questions not addressed here, please contact the Graduate Program Coordinator, Jaime Allen, at or 530-752-8542.

New Student Setup

  • Submit your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR)
  • We ask you SIR as soon as possible so that we can begin planning for your arrival and you can complete all the steps required to start in Fall. Students should submit their SIR by April 15 to be considered for funding from the program. The last day to submit your SIR is August 1.

    To submit your SIR, click on the link in the email with your formal admission offer you received from the Office of Graduate Studies. If you lost this email, or if the link takes you to an error page, please contact Jaime Allen to have the email resent.

  • Complete New Student Orientation Aggie 201
  • Aggie 201 is an online orientation platform that provides a resource and services overview for new graduate students. The program covers campus resources, university processes, and what to expect as a graduate student.
  • Submit Official Transcripts & Proof of Degree
  • You must submit official copies of all your college-level transcripts or academic records to UC Davis Graduate Studies. If you submitted your official transcripts before you graduated, you will also need to order a final transcript with your degree posted and resubmit the official transcript. The official transcript(s) should be sent directly to the Office of Graduate Studies. Not submitting your official transcripts and proof of degree could impact your ability to register for classes.
  • UC Davis Computing Account and Email
  • Follow the instructions to establish your UC Davis computing and email account after submitting your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR).  If you need assistance setting up your computing account and email, contact IT Express.

    Your UC Davis email account will be the primary means by which the campus and the program will communicate with you. It’s important that you check it on a regular basis. You can also forward your UCD email to a preferred email.

  • DUO
  • DUO is the multi-factor authentication system campus uses to better protect your UC Davis accounts. Enroll and download the app. If you do not have a Duo Mobile app compatible device, then you may use a security key (a piece of hardware that generates unique codes for identity verification) available for purchase. 
  • Canvas
  • Canvas is the learning management students UC Davis uses. Instructors use it to organize and present class materials, assign and view homework, assess submissions, provide grades, and communicate with their students. Students use it to manage their course requirements, find course materials, submit homework, assess their course progress, and communicate with instructors and classmates about course assignments and requirements. Be sure to set up your notifications on Canvas as to not miss any important information from your instructors.
  • Statement of Legal Residence
  • The Office of the University Registrar will be contacting you regarding filling out a Statement of Legal Residence form. The deadline to complete it is July 1. If you do not meet this deadline, you will be classified as a nonresident and will be assessed the Nonresident Supplemental Tuition.
  • UC Davis Health Requirements
  • All incoming students are required to meet the UC Immunization and TB Risk Screening requirement. Students become compliant with these requirements by entering their vaccination dates, uploading a copy of their immunization records, and completing the TB Risk Screening Questionnaire via Health-e-Messaging. Students who have not provided evidence of the required vaccinations will not be able to complete their registration for their second term (Winter) without a Medical Exemption Request.
  • UC Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)
  • All registered graduate students are eligible for and automatically enrolled in SHIP. The fee is included in the quarterly student fees. As long as you are registered and your fees are paid each quarter, you have student health coverage through SHIP

    If you plan to continue to carry private insurance, you may submit the SHIP Waiver by the quarterly deadlines:

    • •  Deadline for Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters: September 1
    • •  Deadline for Winter and Spring Quarters: December 1
    • •  Deadline for Spring Quarter: March 1
  • myUCDavis
  • is a portal you can use to access your email, class schedule, bill, and many campus resources. You can customize the tiles on the main screen to have easy access to the things that are important to you. Hopeful tiles you may want to consider are myAccounting, mySchedule, and myQuicklinks.
  • AggieCard
  • Your AggieCard is your official UC Davis identification. You will need to upload a photo that follows the AggieCard Photo Requirements. Your AggieCard will be disbursed at our MDD orientation in Fall.
  • Request to Defer Admission
  • If you are interested in deferring your admission, please email the Graduate Coordinator, Jaime Allen, to discuss your options. Students may be approved to defer admission for 1 year.

    Deferral Requests will be automatically denied if:

    • •  If the request is made after UC Davis instruction starts
      •  If you have enrolled in classes
      •  If you submit your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) as a "no"

International Students

  • International Student Orientation Program
  • International students are required to attend the International Student Orientation Program. There are pre-arrival and arrival components of the orientation. Please be sure to read all the information on the “Newly Admitted Students” website. These resources have important information regarding visas, enrollment requirements, reporting requirements, and traveling.

    For more information about requirements for international students, please contact Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS): 

    • •  Website:
      •  Email:
      •  Phone: (530) 752-0864
      •  Advisors: Advisors are assigned based on your last name here.
  • English Language Requirements
  • Many international students will need to take UWP 225 / UWP 226. The policy regarding this requirement has additional information. This course will NOT count toward your degree requirements, or units needed for the degree, but it will count towards the 12 units needed to be a full-time student in any given quarter. It is recommended to take this course in the fall, as it will help you be successful in the graduate program at UC Davis. Students do not need to take UWP 225/UWP 226 if they meet any of the following conditions:

    • •  You have an undergraduate or graduate degree from an approved English-medium institution, as confirmed by the UC Davis Office of Graduate Studies.
    • •  You have a TOEFL (iBT) score of 105 or higher or IELTS score of 7.5 or higher. 
    • •  You scored 24 or higher on the TOEFL (iBT) writing and 23 or higher on the TOEFL (iBT) speaking portion of the test.

    For more information about the English Course Requirement, please visit this website.

Additional Information

  • UC Davis Calendars and Important Dates
  • Be sure to add important dates listed on the Registrar's Calendars on your own calendar. There are important deadlines tied to the 10th, 12th, 20th, and 25th days of instruction you will want to be aware of.
  • Graduate Student Fee Payment Deadline
  • Graduate students need to pay their quarterly fees by the "Graduate Student Final Fee Payment Deadline" in Week 8 of the quarter. Graduate students with an unpaid balance after this deadline will be cancelled from their future term and all classes in this future term will be dropped for non-payment. The “Student Fee Payment Deadline" is relevant only for undergraduate students and happens earlier in the quarter. Deadlines are available on the Fees & Billing Calendar. Your account balance will be available on MyBill.
  • Parking and Transportation
  • There are many parking and public transportation options available to you as a UC Davis graduate student. Information about parking at Aggie Square. Information about parking at UC Davis Health. Information about parking at UC Davis.
  • Housing Information
  • ANOVA Aggie Square Apartments are located on the UC Davis Sacramento Campus (where MDD classes will take place). Space is limited so you will want to apply soon.

    Here are a few housing resources/websites to help you get started. Be sure to do your research before signing a lease and determine how far away from Aggie Square you want to live. Most leases in Davis will be for the full academic year. Always be cautious of scams or misleading information when searching for housing online.