Frequently Asked Questions

Advising Holds

  • How do I release my advising hold?​​
  • To release your hold, you must create a draft academic plan for the next three quarters in OASIS.​ Go to and then click Forms & Petitions -> Submit a New Form -> Academic Plan​.

    Complete plan for the next 3 quarters and SAVE AS A DRAFT. Do not submit.​ If you aren’t sure what courses should be included in your plan, review the biomedical engineering curriculum options.​

    Then make an appointment with your undergraduate program advisor, or meet with the peer advisor during drop-in hours.​ During your appointment, the advisor will go over the Draft Academic Plan, make changes and submit the finalized form.​
  • What is the difference between meeting with the academic advisor and the peer advisor?​
  • The BME Undergraduate Advisor assists students with course selection, schedule planning, hold removal, degree checks, GE advising, research positions, and planning for graduate/professional school, for internships and for careers as well as general advice. LEADR, AvenueE,  International students, and students with a grade lower than a C- or on academic probation must meet with the Undergraduate advisor. M-F, 9-5 

    The Peer Advisor helps with course selection, schedule planning, hold removal and general advice for First Year students.  There is no peer advising during finals, holidays or summer. Drop-in hours change quarterly. 

  • Will I get dropped from my classes if I don’t clear my hold by the deadline?​​
  • You will not get dropped from classes if you do not clear your hold by the deadline. However, you will not be able to adjust your schedule or get into classes via waitlist until your hold is cleared.​​
  • I have a fall quarter advising hold. Can I register for winter quarter courses if I haven’t cleared my hold by my pass times?​​
  • Yes, you can register for courses for the upcoming quarter.​​​
  • How can I look up my UC Davis engineering GPA? What engineering GPA do I need for graduation?​​
  • Log in to OASIS, then select “GPA Charts and Tools” -> “What If GPA” -> “By Subject” tab. Select all engineering courses, then hover over the selected GPA.

    In order to graduate, you must have a 2.000 GPA in engineering coursework that was completed at a UC.​​​

Course Registration​

  • What are my chances of getting into a class from the waitlist?​
  • Your chance of getting into a class from the waitlist depends on your position on the waitlist relative to the class size and how many students choose to drop the class. If you are still on the waitlist the first day of class, you should attend lecture and listen to the instructor's advice to WL students. Keep attending lecture for the first week. Also enroll in a backup course and attend this for the first week in case you cannot get into the WL class. You can drop the backup course once you have been admitted to the course from the waitlist.​​
  • Can I take a course if I do not have the prerequisites?​​
  • Engineering is a discipline that requires mastery of prerequisite coursework to be successful in more advanced curriculum, so prerequisites are enforced in all College of Engineering courses. If you enroll in a course without having completed the prerequisites, the instructor is authorized to drop you. Any student who re-adds a course after being dropped by the instructor may be referred to OSSJA.​​
  • I fulfilled a prerequisite through coursework at another institution. How can I make sure that I'm not dropped from the course?​​
  • If you have met the prerequisite through coursework at another institution or in some other way, you should upload this documentation to your prerequisite petition on Schedule Builder. You can still register for the course. Your petition will be reviewed by the department teaching the course.

    When you submit a prerequisite petition, you need to include the following information:
    -- Name and number​ of the course that satisfies the prerequisite (e.g. MAT 21B).
    -- Final grade.
    ​-- Name of the college or university where you completed the course.
    -- When you took the course (e.g. spring 2018).
    -- Any additional information or documentation you may have, including the syllabus, digital copies of your transcript and/or a course substitution approval email from the College of Engineering Undergraduate Office.
  • I am currently taking the prerequisite for a course that I just registered for next quarter. Will I be dropped? ​​
  • No, if you are enrolled in the prerequisite course and you receive the required prerequisite grade in the course at the end of the quarter, you will not be dropped.​​
  • Can I take a course as Pass/No Pass?​​
  • College of Engineering students may exercise Pass/No Pass grading for up to 16 units. Read the College of Engineering’s guidelines for taking a course pass/no pass for more information.​
  • How can I drop a course after the drop deadline?​​
  • You may petition for a late drop if you can fully document that unforeseen circumstances beyond your control have affected your academic performance. Late drops will not be approved for poor academic performance, academic difficulties, change of interest in a course or weak midterm results. Please visit the College of Engineering Undergraduate Office's Express Advising on Zoom for more information.​​
  • Do I need to sign up for a special CRN when I repeat a class?​​
  • For most courses, you just register normally for the class. However, for chemistry courses, you need to sign up for a repeater section if you pass the lab. These courses are labeled as ARO, BRO, CRO, etc.​
  • Can I repeat a course more than once?​​
  • You are allowed to repeat a course one time for credit if you received a D+, D, D- or F the first time. If you wish to repeat a course for a second time, you must submit a Petition for Multiple Repeat of a Course in OASIS. If your petition is approved, you will be allowed to repeat the course again. If you are unsure whether you should repeat a course for a second time, please consult your program advisor.​​
  • I took a course at a community college or another institution over the summer and I need to transfer the credit. How do I do that?​​
  • Contact the college or institution and request that your official transcript be sent to:

    UG Admissions at UC Davis

    Be sure that your final grade is posted to your record before ordering the transcript.​

Graduate and Professional School​

  • I am interested in applying to graduate school. How do I get started?​
  • General information on the graduate school application process is available through Student Academic Success Center’s Pre-Graduate Advising. Contact the Graduate Program Coordinator for your program of interest. The College of Engineering also offers a one-unit seminar every winter quarter titled “Gearing Up for Graduate School.”​ 
  • I’m interested in healthcare but I’m not sure which profession yet. Where can I learn more?​
  • General information on the health professions and requirements are available through Health Professions Advising (HPA). There are also seminars and workshops available through HPA, which can be found through their Facebook page.
  • How can I get started on a career as a health professional?​
  • UC Davis hosts hospital, clinical and nutrition internships at several different locations. Visit the Internship and Career Center website to sign up.


  • Who should I contact if I still have questions?
  • If you still have questions after reading through the FAQs, please join the BME Advising Team at the Virtual Front Desk Weds/Thurs 10am-12pm or email the BME Advising Team at