Laura Marcu

uc davis biomedical engineering professor laura marcu

Position Title
Director, NIH-NIBIB National Center for Interventional Biophotonics Technologies (NCIBT)

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Neurological Surgery
2513 GBSF
Fluorescence lifetime spectroscopy and imaging techniques, optical diagnosis of biological tissue, clinical applications of biophotonic technologies, label-free optical characterization of biomaterials 

Dr. Marcu’s group is best known for researching and engineering fluorescence lifetime-based instrumentation and multimodal imaging systems that enable studies of the molecular, metabolic and morphologic changes in living systems ranging from biological cells and animal models to human patients. Her research targets unique applications that impact clinical management of critical human disease, with an emphasis on three distinct areas: cardiovascular systems (intravascular diagnostics), oncology (intraoperative delineation of surgical margins) and regenerative medicine (tissue engineering).
