Steve George Named Edward Teller Chair

Department Chair and Professor of Biomedical Engineering Steve George has been named the Edward Teller Chair for the University of California, Davis College of Engineering. The endowed position acknowledges a senior faculty member for outstanding academic skills, leadership qualities and a nationally recognized record of applied scientific accomplishment.
"It is really an honor to serve as the Edward Teller Chair at UC Davis," George said. "There are so many deserving individuals for this honor, and I feel very privileged to serve in this role."
As Teller Chair, George will continue to engage in teaching and scholarly activities, conduct research and perform service, provide leadership in the college and home department, and enhance academic and intellectual life on campus.
"I plan to use the resources to enhance opportunities for underrepresented individuals in my group, stimulate research into new areas and provide travel opportunities for my group to present our work and exchange ideas with the scientific community," George said.
George's research focuses on creating "organ-on-a-chip" tissue-engineered models of the cardiac, pancreas and cancer microenvironments using stem-cell and microfabrication technology. Department chair since 2019, he has led the development of a one-year Master of Engineering program that aims to accelerate the entrepreneurial and commercialization skills in young biomedical engineers, along with the establishment of a vibrant Health, Equity and Wellness Committee.
The endowed chair was established in 1999 by the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation to honor Edward Teller, one of the preeminent scientists and teachers of the twentieth century and the founder and inaugural chair of the Department of Applied Science. When the department was discontinued in 2011, the endowed position was expanded to include the college's eight departments.