
UC Davis BME Community Comes Together to Create Health, Equity and Wellness Committee

In the wake of the murder of George Floyd in the Spring of 2020 and the national attention on the severe problems that remain regarding anti-black racism in the U.S., the department of biomedical engineering came together to form the Health, Equity and Wellness (HEW) committee to address some of the practices and policies in their community that support a given culture.

Global Aggies: Serving Nicaraguan Students with Special Needs

Each year the Blum Center for Developing Economies partners with the UC Davis Undergraduate Colleges to select, mentor, and sponsor a cohort of students to conduct fieldwork on poverty alleviation, inequality and international development through the Blum Summer Fellowship in Poverty Alleviation Through Action (PATA) award programs. In summer 2019, Laura Oelsner, a biomedical engineering major in the College of Engineering, was one of the selected Fellows who had this experience.

UC Davis establishes alliance of excellence in biophotonics with German Leibniz Institute for Photonic Technologies

The University of California, Davis, and the Leibniz Institute for Photonic Technologies (Leibniz-IPHT), in Jena, Germany, have entered an agreement of cooperation to establish the Jena-Davis (JEDIS) Alliance of Excellence in Biophotonics — designed to promote North American-German cooperation on research and development in the field of biophotonics.

UC Davis-Chile Program Welcomes Eduardo Silva

Eduardo Silva was invited to give a seminar and to visit the UC Davis Chile program.

The UC Davis-Chile program has three main objectives: 1) Create a platform for collaborative research between UC Davis and Chilean researchers, to support life science innovation in Chile and California; 2) Effectively transfer life sciences technologies from UC Davis and from the collaborative programs of the UC Davis Chile center, to the Chilean industry; and 3) Link UC Davis’ educational programs and creation capacity with Chile.

Undergraduate STEP Students visit Silva Lab

A group of five UC Davis’ undergraduate students from the Special Transitional Enrichment Program (STEP) toured the Silva research group laboratory last week. STEP is a summer bridge program for underrepresented-minority first-generation students from low-income families. It also ensures a two-year follow-up with this population, which is more vulnerable to poor academic performance and dropout.